About Collaborative Divorce Illinois

To gain a better understanding of the fundamental issues in the collaborative process in Illinois, we encourage you to take a look at these areas:

> Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

We discuss the goals of collaborative practice and address whether collaborative divorce may be best for you.

> How Collaborative Law Works

Next, we outline the five major steps of the collaborative process.

> Collaborative Law Principles and Guidelines

This page contains the multiple page “principles and guidelines” document. It is similar to the document that is signed at the beginning of the collaborative process.

> Questions to Ask at Your Initial Collaborative Divorce Interview

Here we provide sample questions you could consider asking at the interview of your collaborative professional — usually your divorce lawyer.

What We Do

CDI is a professional organization for attorneys, financial specialists and mental health professionals who practice Collaborative divorce. We provide educational and networking opportunities for our members, and information and resources to the general public about the Collaborative divorce process.

Find a Collaborative Professional Near You

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